Channel Marketing, Channel Partner news network, Content Distribution, Content management, Deal Registration, Partner Collaboration, Partner Engagement, Partner Onboarding, Partner Recruitment, Vendor Relations
Custom video content production, partner branded videos, partner onboarding videos, partner recruiting videos, partner sales videos, private label video streaming networks, promotion and global video streaming platform, video news networks quick sales videos, video press release
Overview: We will create short-form smartphone-ready AI videos with speech and background music. We will take your existing text or create the appropriate copy and narrative to best explain your message, then transform it into video with audio content. You may find more than 1,800 examples and growing with 15+ new videos a week in the content library at ChannelPartner.TV. This is where we host content and allow users to view and download along with other sites.
We specialize on creating short movies to tell your narrative because GenZ and Millennials prefer video content, and they are much easier to consume across all social media platforms. You may also incorporate call-to-actions.
We can also transform your written press releases into videos, which will help you get noticed and express your message more effectively to all recipients. If you see that just singing up new partners is not enough to gain sales traction, then ask why and how we develop partner onboarding short videos to walk them through the process from signing up to selling.
Following video production, we can assist you with distributing your content to the channel community. We distribute the content via www.e-channelnews.com and our LinkedIn community of over 20,000 MSPs and other channel professionals along with Tom Cross’s 15,300+ followers. Of course, you are free to use and repurpose your video content however you like. Publish on your blogs, social media, and newsletters, and let your partners to rebrand these videos – we can even tailor the video material to your partners’ needs.
Try it out. Inquire about our special introduction offer to get one short video of your message for a nominal fee.

About the owner of this organization: Thomas Cross is an award-winning author and product designer. He works diligently every day, including weekends, to ensure that new videos are written, produced, and promoted on LinkedIn to his 35,000 followers and group members, bringing insights and thought leadership. His career has been dedicated to continuously investigating and exploring new technologies from the beginning. Cross has authored several books on AI and other areas. His use of AI in his work predates the advent of ChatGPT, showcasing his long-term engagement with artificial intelligence. He has also served as a professor and continues to educate and mentor students at his university. Cross is particularly enthusiastic about telling stories through short videos and pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence tools. With the advancements in AI today, he has been able to leverage his years of industry knowledge to create content quickly and produce outcomes that people want and need. He utilizes AI every day to enhance his work and increase his productivity, demonstrating a significant transformation in his work efficiency. Cross invites others to experience the effectiveness of his work and AI integration.