Cybersecurity Blog2024-01-08T20:08:21+00:00

XM Cyber: What’s the scoop on cyber threat hunters? (security podcast)

XM Cyber announced findings from its third annual State of Exposure Management Report, produced in collaboration with the Cyentia Institute, which found that identity and credential misconfigurations represent a staggering 80% [...]

Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem Podcast Episode 15: Automating Revenue Generation

Presenter: Scott Frew, Founder, President and CEO at is a multi-award winning platform designed to help MSPs automate and streamline critical revenue and sales processes for sustainable revenue growth and protection. [...]

Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem Podcast Episode 13: Vendor Masterminds

Presenter: Randal Wark Julian Lee and Randal discussed the concept of vendor mastermind peer groups. They proposed three types of groups: regular peer groups, sponsored peer groups, and focus groups, each [...]

Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem Podcast Episode 12: Coaching Platform

Presenter: Kathryn Rose, Founder, channelwise Kathryn Rose, explained the Channelwise platform’s unique features, such as the ability to engage with experts without sharing personal information, the option for private expert networks within [...]

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