
Brand Management, Business Development, Campaign management, Content management, Crisis Management, Customer Engagement, Email marketing, Event Management, Marketing Strategy, Media Relations, Personalization and Targeting, Reputation Management, Social media management, Strategic Communications


Brand Reputation, Branding, Campaigns, Client Success Stories, Communications, Content Strategy, Corporate Communications, Crisis Management, Digital Marketing, Event Management., Influencer Marketing, Media Engagement, Media Relations, Public Affairs, Public Relations, Reputation Management, Social Media Strategy, Strategic Communications, Thought Leadership, industry insights

MRB “PR in a Box”

Overview:The Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem ‘PR in a Box’ offers MSP and MSSPs a one-stop program for putting your brand on the map. Designed by leading channel focused public relations powerhouse, MRB Public Relations, the three-month program, provides MSP/MSSP founders/marketers with the knowledge and expertise to execute a successful visibility campaign without a big budget. At the same time, we provide the tools, emails and pitches necessary to generate press coverage, marketing and social media presence. Leveraging PR to drive brand awareness and lead generation can be the most cost-effective activity you can do to grow your business. Ask us why and how!


Cybersecurity to Mimic the Fast Food Industry

As part of my ongoing role at the Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem Summit, I have had the privilege to engage with some of the brightest minds in cybersecurity. Read full article